Automatic Mode in Automated Log Work Cloud

Automatic Mode in Automated Log Work Cloud


Timer starts for "In Progress" status category

In automatic mode timer is started only when issue status is in 'In Progress' category.

This mode integrates with workflow actions like start/stop progress. close, resolve, etc .

If status category is different than "In Progress" then timer is stopped.

Configure Status Categories

Read more about defining status category in Defining status field values

Configure manual/automatic mode

If you are not sure how configure manual or automatic mode please refer to document Configure.

Manual timer buttons

"Start/stop timer" buttons are shown only when manual mode is configured

If you prefer manual mode please refer to Manual Mode in Automated Log Work Cloud document.

When timer starts/stops

Time is logged by Integrating with workflow actions like start/stop progress. close, resolve, etc.

Timer is ticking only when issue status category is 'In Progress'. This mode supports "All Workflow with status category In Progress".

Custom workflows without status category 'In Progress' status are not supported.
When switching from "Manual Mode" all actual timers will be invalidated.

Starting a timer

To start timer please change issue state to "In progress" (any state that state category is "In Progress").

Timer starts also if assignee is changed (time is logged for previous assignee and started for new one)

Stopping a timer

To stop timer and log time change issue state to different than "In progress"  (any state that state category is not "In Progress").

Timer stops also if assignee is changed (time is logged for previous assignee and started for new one)

Log time comment contains name of a user that has logged a time. We are working on more sophisticated solution.

You can user Manual Mode in Automated Log Work Cloud to log time for current user.

What means "Timer for issue xxxx has already been started" message

"Timer for issue xxxx has already been started" message means that you've already started timer and moved issue to another status with category "In Progress".

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