Working on different issues at the same time using simultaneous mode


User want to work on different issues at the same time. Switching between issue during work time is frequent.

Normally this would require to click 'Start Timer' button when user wants to work on an issue (in plugin automatic mode timer starts when issue 'in progress' for an assignee automatically) and click 'Stop Timer' button when user finishes work on an issue (or move issue to non 'in progress' in plugin automatic mode or change assignee) .


Solution to frequent switching between issues can be setting "User can start timer for one issue only" time tracking mode in plugin configuration.

In "User can start timer for one issue only" plugin time tracking mode user is able to start one timer only

In this mode user is able to start one timer at a time and any other timers are stopped and user is able to log time instantly.

Such mode allows to quckly log time and forget about returning to the issue and log time.

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