Getting started with Automated Log Work Cloud

Getting started with Automated Log Work Cloud

Easy track of individual working hours. Start work timers manually or automatically.

Main features of Automated Log Work Cloud

Count work time and log work time in two modes:

Manual User decides when work timer starts and ends
AutomaticTimer starts and stops according to issue states

Manual mode

User clicks "Start Timer" button when whants start timer and presses "Stop timer" button when time should be stopped and logged.

After clicking "Stop Timer" button standard Log Work dialog is shown so user can modify filled-in log work time and add other standard work log values.

Automatic mode

User is not able to directly decide when timer starts or stops (no buttons).

Instead timer starts when issue states is changed to state that is in category "In Progress".

Timer stops when issue moves to state with category different than "In Progress".

Work time calculation

Timer and work time calculation is based on sophisticated algorithm. To maximize accuracy of user work time

Configuration options allow administrator to decide how long is working day and specify working days during a week.

This gives much precise work time calculations for each user.

Advanced time calculation accuracy

To increase time accuracy administrator can enable simultaneous timers detection this can prevent from:

  1. Only one user can start timer for an issue (no simultaneous timers for an issue in manual mode)
  2. User can start timer for one issue only (no simultaneous timers for a user)

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