Tracking active issues through dashboard or filter in Automated Log Work Cloud

The recipe

  1. Go to the Issues -> Search view and search for "active" issues (it means issues with started timer). 

    JQL search term is: timerStarted = "true"

  2. You can extend the search according to your liking (e.g. narrow to specific project)
  3. Save the search as a filter
  4. Go to Dashboard or create new one if you haven't already
  5. Add new Gadget of type "Filter results" and select the filter saved in point 2: Adding the Filter Results Gadget


Property "timerStarted" is added via rest API every timer is started and stopped for an issue.

It may happen that during REST API call some errors may occur and not all timers properties are properly synchronized with the issue.

Therefore user can double check timers for issues on a project timers list (not JQL)

We are going to provide additional checker for timers in the future (ALWO-113)