When a task executes

Scheduler settings in UI

From Monday to Friday

Monthly on the last day of the month at 17:00

Every 2 weeks on Wed at 13:30

Monthly on the first Friday at 10:00

Monthly on the last Friday at 10:00

Monthly on day 28 at 08:00

Quarterly on day 20 at 15:00

Quarterly on the last day of the month at 15:00

Weekly on Friday at 16:30

Daily at 9:00

Annually on Mar 21 at 11:30

Daily at 12:30

Cron expression is used

Monthly on the first working day of the month

Monthly on the last business day of the month

One day before the first Thursday of the month

Do you want to schedule a task in different way? Please raise a request on our service portal or contact us at support@gebsun.com.

We are happy to help!