
For more information about the problem, including examples/scenarios of the issue level permissions, please visit the aforementioned JIRA issue at https://gebsun.atlassian.net/browse/HTT-23

Checking permissions

Project and issue level permissions can be easily retrieved with JIRA REST API. 

In the below example we use curl command to send https requests to JIRA from the command line (terminal). 

Sending request to JIRA

Following commands can be used to determine project and issue permissions for a user (please replace userpasswordjira-url, DEMO and DEMO-1 with your JIRA data):

Code Block
titleFind project permissions
curl -u user:password -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http https://jira-url/rest/api/2/mypermissions?projectKey=DEMO


Code Block
titleFind issue permissions
curl -u user:password -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http https://jira-url/rest/api/2/mypermissions?issueKey=DEMO-1

Getting the output

The output returned by the above commands is in JSON format and might contain different permissions for a project and an issue inside this project:
